What is the Aukus pact between US, UK and Australia? How have other nations reacted?

The United States, United Kingdom, and Australia announced a new defence deal, under which the US and UK will help Australia deploy nuclear-powered submarines in the Pacific region.

AUKUS Agreement

  • AUKUS is the new enhanced trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • It would be a collaboration of the technology, scientists, industries, defence forces of the three countries to deliver a safer and more secure region.
  • The first major initiative of AUKUS would be to deliver a nuclear-powered submarine fleet for Australia.
  • The deal is seen as a step towards curtailing China’s aggressive manoeuvres in the Pacific region, especially in and around the South China Sea.

AUKUS and France

  • The deal has complicated the relations between France and Australia, and France and the US.
  • France is outraged that it was not even informed or consulted about the decision and the new agreement.
  • In 2016 —France and Australia had signed a contract to buy 12 Attack-class submarines from the French shipbuilder Naval Group worth nearly $90 billion.
    • There is a case of legal battle over the contract between the two countries.

Significance of nuclear-powered submarine

  • Nuclear-powered submarine gives Navy the capability to reach far out into the ocean and launch ballistic missiles.
  • The submarine can go to long distances, at a higher speed, without being detected which gives a nation the ability to protect its interests far from its shores.
  • The nuclear-powered propulsion gives the submarine a near infinite capacity to stay dived.
    • Since it is propelled by a nuclear-powered engine rather than by batteries, it does not have to emerge on the surface at all, except to replenish supplies for the crew.
    • Conventional diesel-engine submarines have batteries which have life from a few hours to a few days.
  • They are able to move faster underwater than the conventional submarines.

India has nuclear-powered submarines

  • India is among the six nations that have nuclear-powered submarines (SSN).
    • Other five are: the US, the UK, Russia, France and China.
Nuclear submarines of India: 1. INS Chakra:
  • India got the Soviet-built K-43 Charlie-class SSN in 1987, rechristened INS Chakra. The submarine was decommissioned in 1991.
2. INS Chakra 2:
  • 2012: India got another Russian SSN on a 10-year lease, called INS Chakra 2.
3. INS Arihant:
  • India built its own nuclear submarine, INS Arihant, commissioned in 2016.
  • INS Arihant completes India’s nuclear triad, i.e., the country has the capacity to launch nuclear missiles from land, aircraft, and submarine.
4. INS Arighat:
  • A second Arihant-class submarine, INS Arighat, was secretly launched in 2017, and is likely to be commissioned soon.
How have other countries reacted?  Firstly, the agreement signals the end of a $90 billion contract Australia had signed with French outfit Naval Group in 2016. The deal had suffered from a great deal of trouble stemming from rising costs and differences over designs.  The French shipbuilder was originally charged with building twelve submarines for Australia but Canberra has now turned its focus to acquiring American-made submarines. Expressing displeasure over the Aukus pact, former French ambassador to Washington took to Twitter to remark, “The world is a jungle. France has just been reminded of this bitter truth by the way the US and the UK have stabbed her in the back in Australia. C'est la vie.”  But the deal has been welcomed by western allies in the Indo-Pacific. Japan lauded the deal, adding that it was critical to ensure peace and security in the region. Taiwan's ministry of foreign affairs spokeswoman Joanne Ou also welcomed the agreement. However, she was quick to add that Aukus “doesn't imply that we are asking the UK to get involved in the conflict across the Taiwan Strait.”  “We are responsible for Taiwan's national security, we are not asking the UK or any other country to fight on our behalf.  Predictably, China was less than pleased with the announcement of Aukus with Beijing claiming that it damaged prospects for regional stability. The Chinese embassy in Washington said the deal was borne out the UK, US and Australia stuck in a “cold war mentality,” adding that it showed “ideological prejudice.” 

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