Feb 9th, 2022 - Daily Quiz
1. Which of the below statements is/ are correct related to "green bond"?    1. First official Green Bond was released by the World Bank.    2. It is a credit instrument. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 Nor 2 ​​​​​​2. Which of the following statements is false about Ramanujacharya?. (a) He was a philosopher from Tamil Nadu. (b) He was an Alavar saint. (c) His Philosophy is known as dvaitvada which proposes a distinction between the devotee and the divine. (d) He founded the Bhakti marg. 3. What do you mean by Substantive equality? (a) It refers to the equality of outcomes and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society. (b) It refers deals with equal treatment for all irrespective of the socio-economic contexts. (c) It refers to the equality of laws and its procedures for all. (d) None of the above. ​​​​​4. Which of the following supplementations are provided to women, children & adolescent under the Anemia Mukt Bharat? 1. Prophylactic Iron 2. Folic Acid 3. Calcium (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 5. Which of the following laws are applicable in the context of Marital rape in India? 1. Domestic violence act 2. Section 498A of Indian Penal code 3. Section 375 of Indian Penal code (a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None of these   ANSWERS 1 – a During the Union Budget presentation, the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman announced the issuance of “Green bonds”. These bonds are to be issued to mobilise green infrastructure resources.

What are green bonds?

Green bonds are debt instruments. The money collected by selling these bonds are invested in projects that have positive impact on the environment. The bonds will help India achieve its target of 175 GW of electric power from renewable sources by 2022.

Capital Expenditure and Green bonds

The minister announced that the government has increased the capital expenditure by 35.4%. That is, in financial year 2022-23, GoI will implement projects worth Rs 7.5 lakh crores. Capital expenditure is the money spent by the government. Most of the money is to go into the green projects.

Green Bonds in India

The bonds are to be introduced in the public sector projects. According to RBI, the cost of green bonds has been higher. This is mainly due to asymmetric information. RBI also says that green bonds contribute only 0.7% of all bonds issued.


The green bonds in India have shorter tenor period. In reality, the green projects consume more time in bringing returns. They lack credit rating. Also, there are no rating guidelines for the green projects.


  • The green bond market is growing at rapid pace. The bonds will help India to access long term funds. This will also improve ESG climate in India.
  • The bonds will help India achieve its goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2070.
  • The issue of green bods says that GoI has put energy transition at the heart of economic growth of the country.
  • The bonds will help to mobilize financial resources of distribution companies.
The domestic and international standards and guidelines for green bonds should be harmonised. The capacity of emerging green markets should be increased. The knowledge related to green bond markets, benefits and other procedures related to green bonds should be increased. The investor confidence should be increased. The green bonds should also be extended to private sector.   2 – c Ramanujacharya: His philosophy is known as Vishishtadvaita. If we have ‘advait’ then we have ‘dvait’ too and we also have Sri Ramanujacharya’s ‘Vishishtadvaita’ that encompasses both ‘davit-advait’. Thus statement c is INCORRECT. Sri Ramanujacharya is the founder of Bhakti Marg. One the one hand he is a saint of rich ‘Sanyaas’ tradition, he presents the importance of action in Gita Bhashya, on the other. Sri Ramanujacharya worked tirelessly for the upliftment of people with the spirit of every human being equal regardless of nationality, gender, race, caste or creed. The inauguration of the Statue of Equality is a a part of the 12-day Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi Samaroham, the ongoing 1000th birth anniversary celebrations of Sri Ramanujacharya. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1795830   3 - a Option b & c refers to - Formal equality Formal equality is a belief that, for fairness, a person must be consistent or equal in treatment at all times. ... It does not consider majority and minority groups. The majority group is a group in a demographic with the most members in it. It deals with equality of law. It is also known as procedural equality. Substantive equality refers to the equality of outcomes and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society It suggests greater protection for the weaker sections of the society - Affirmative action. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/interrogating-the-false-merit-reservation-binary/article38379295.ece   4-b Anemia Mukt Bharat (AMB),2018:  Aim:  reduce anaemia in the vulnerable age groups such as women, children and adolescents in life cycle approach. It follows preventive and curative mechanisms through a 6X6X6 strategy including six target beneficiaries, six interventions and six institutional mechanisms for all stakeholders to implement the strategy. It  includes: Supplementation: Prophylactic Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in all six target age groups Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Campaign:  Intensified year-round Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Campaign for: improving compliance to Iron Folic Acid supplementation and deworming  enhancing appropriate infant and young child feeding practices  encouraging increase in intake of iron-rich food through diet diversity/quantity/frequency and/or fortified foods with focus on harnessing locally available resources ensuring delayed cord clamping after delivery (by 3 minutes) in health facilities Testing and treatment of anaemia, using digital methods and point of care treatment, with special focus on pregnant women and school-going adolescents Addressing non-nutritional causes of anaemia in endemic pockets with special focus on malaria, hemoglobinopathies and fluorosis Management of severe anaemia in pregnant women undertaken by administration of IV Iron Sucrose/Blood transfusion Providing incentives to the ANM for identification and follow-up of pregnant women with severe anaemia in high priority districts (HPDs) Training and orientation of Medical Officers and front line-workers on newer Maternal Health and Anaemia Mukt Bharat guidelines Field level awareness by ASHAs through community mobilization activities and IEC and BCC activities https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1795421    5- a In India, marital rape is not defined in any statute or law. The Section 375, thus is not valid in the case of Marital rape. The exception in Section 375 of IPC says sexual intercourse by a man with his wife aged 15 years or above is not rape even if it is without her consent. However, certain Laws are still applicable in case of Marital rape in India: In October 2017, the Supreme Court increased it to 18 years. Offence under Section 498A of the IPC, which deals with cruelty to a married woman by her husband or his relatives. The  domestic violence act enables complaints against physical and sexual abuse. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/sex-and-violence/article38379260.ece