Preliminary exam CSAT July 11,2024

1. Read the following passage and answer the items that follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only.


Conventional classrooms, by emphasizing fixed duration over learning effectiveness, resign themselves to variable outcomes. The tyranny of the classroom is that every learner is subjected to the same set of lectures in the same way for the same duration. In the end, a few learners shine, some survive, and the rest are left behind. After the fixed duration, the classroom model moves on, with not a thought spared for those left behind. This is how we end up with 10 percent employability in our graduates after a decade and half of formal education. Repeating the same ineffectual script in the realm of skill education will not produce different results.

Which of the following statements best reflects/reflect the most logical and rational inference/inferences that can be made from the passage?

  1. In conventional classroom learning, the central goal is duration of Learning rather than attainment of competency.
  2. Conventional classrooms encourage one-size-fits-all approach and stamp out all differentiation.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.