Preliminary exam CSAT June 30,2024

1. Read the following passage and answer the items that follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only.

To encourage research is one of the functions of a university. Contemporary universities have encouraged research, not only in those cases where research is necessary, but on all sorts of entirely unprofitable subjects as well. Scientific research is probably never completely valueless. However silly and insignificant it may seem, however mechanical and unintelligent the labours of the researchers, there is always a chance that the results may be of value to the investigator of talent, who can use the facts collected for him by uninspired but industrious researchers as the basis of some fruitful generalization. But where research is not original, but consists in the mere rearrangement of existing materials, where its objects is not scientific but literary or historical, then there is a risk of the whole business becoming merely futile.
The author's assumption about scientific research is that