1. Read the following passage and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers tothese items should be based on the passages only.
The law in many parts of the world increasingly restricts the discharge of agricultural slurry intowatercourses. The simplest and often the most economically sound practice returns the material tothe land as semisolid manure or as sprayed slurry. This dilutes its concentration in the environmentto what might have occurred III a more primitive and sustainable type of agriculture and convertspollutant into fertilizer. Soil microorganisms decompose the organic components of sewage andslurry and most of the mineral nutrients become available to be absorbed again by the vegetation.The excess input of nutrients, both nitrogen and phosphorus - based, from agricultural runoff (andhuman sewage) has caused many 'healthy' oligotrophic lakes (low nutrient concentrations, low plantproductivity with abundant water weeds, and clear water) to change to eutrophic condition wherehigh nutrient inputs lead to high phytoplankton productivity (sometimes dominated by bloomforming toxic species).
This makes the water turbid, eliminates large plants and, in the worstsituations, leads to anoxia and fish kills; so called cultural eutrophication.
Thus, important ecosystem services are lost, including the provisioning service of wild-caught fish and the cultural servicesassociated with recreation. The process of cultural eutrophication of lakes has been understood for some time. But only recentlydid scientists notice huge 'dead zones' in the oceans near river outlets, particularly those draininglarge catchment areas such as the Mississippi in North America and the Yangtze in China. Thenutrient-enriched water flows through streams, rivers and lakes, and eventually to the estuary andocean where the ecological impact may be huge, killing virtually all invertebrates and fish in areas upto 70,000 km2 in extent. More than 150 sea areas worldwide are now regularly starved of oxygen asa result of decomposition of algal blooms, fuelled particularly by nitrogen from agricultural runoff offertilizers and sewage from large cities. Oceanic dead zones are typically associated withindustrialized nations and usually lie off'- 'countries that subsidize their agriculture, encouragingfarmers to increase productivity and use more fertilizer.
According to the passage, why should the discharge of agricultural slurry into watercourses berestricted?
1. Losing nutrients in this way is not a good practice economically.2. Watercourses do not contain the microorganisms that can decompose organic components ofagricultural slurry.3. The discharge may lead to the eutrophication of water bodies.
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