1.Read the following passage and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers tothese items should be based on the passages only.
Corporate governance is based on principles such as conducting the business with all integrity andfairness, being transparent with regard to all transactions, making all the necessary disclosures anddecisions, complying with all the laws of the land, accountability and responsibility towards thestakeholders and commitment to conducting business in an ethical manner. Another point which ishighlighted on corporate governance is the need for those in control to be able to distinguishbetween what are personal and corporate funds while managing a company.Fundamentally, there is a level of confidence that is associated with a company that is known tohave good corporate governance. The presence of an active group of independent directors on theboard contributes a great deal towards ensuring confidence in the market. Corporate governance isknown to be one of the criteria that foreign institutional investors are increasingly depending onwhen deciding on which companies to invest in. It is also known to have a positive influence on theshare price of the company. Having a clean image on the corporate governance front could alsomake it easier for companies to source capital at more reasonable costs. Unfortunately, corporategovernance often becomes the centre of discussion only after the exposure of a large scam.
According to the passage, which of the following should be the practice/practices in goodcorporate governance?1. Companies should always comply with labour and tax laws of the land.2. Every company in the country should have a government 'representative as one of theindependent directors on the board to ensure transparency.3. The manager of a company should never invest his personal, funds in the company.Select the correct answer using the codes given below: