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Mains Daily Question
What is meant by ‘environmental ethics’?. Examine the various perspectives of ‘environmental ethics’.
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There is an increased significance of the Arctic region for India. Elucidate (150 Words, 10)
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Conflict of interest in the public sector arises when (a) official duties, (b) public interest, and (c) personal interest are taking priority one above the other. How can this conflict in administration be resolved? Describe with an example. (150 Words, 10)
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The breakdown of USSR was a watershed moment in world history as it amplified unipolarity. How does the recent Russian aggression seek to re-establish powers of USSR?. (200 words)
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How did Jyothibha Phule distinguish himself as a social reformer?. (200 words)
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India's score declined in EIU's Democracy Index. Identify the reasons. How can citizen participation can ensure growth of democratic values.(200 words)
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What is Xenotransplantation? How is this technique a breakthrough in medical science? . (200 words)
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How can social influence and persuasion bring about behavioural change?. (250 words)
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