Are pressure groups a necessary evil?. (250 words)

The term ‘Pressure Groups’ originated in the USA which means a group of people who are organised actively for promoting and defending their own interest. Their activism influences public policy. In India, the pressure groups have been active even during the colonial period. The All India Trade Union Congress was the first pressure group of India. Role The role of the pressure groups is very important for the administrative, legislative, executive, bureaucratic, and political system. They are like a living public behind the parties. Their role is indirect yet effective. The various roles of pressure groups are as follows:
  1. They try to introduce their candidates into the legislature. They help political parties to win an election by preparing manifestos and mobilizing voters.
  2. Pressure Groups try to fill high executive posts with men who can fulfill their interest i.e. selection of cabinet and selection of PM in a coalition government, etc. which affects the policy implementation process.
  3. Bureaucrats are politically neutral and hence, the pressure groups try to bend them in their manner by putting good remarks on them. Bureaucrats have a long tenure of service and therefore, they oblige to them.
  4. Pressure groups play as a vital link between the government and the governed. They keep governments more inclined towards their interest.
  5. Pressure groups help in expressing the views and needs of the minority communities who otherwise may remain unheard.
  6. Pressure groups provide expertise to the government with various information which might be applicable to issues such as indigenous reconciliation.
  7. Pressure groups promote opportunities for political participation without joining a political party.
  • Promotion of authentic freedom of expression-
By joining an interest group as an individual, you can add your ideas to the collective expression of everyone who shares the same opinion. It is like joining a workers union. This advantage gives you an opportunity to make changes that will impact your life in some way.
  • Exploration of new perspectives-
Interest groups give all of us the chance to look at new thoughts and perspectives which makes it easier for us to see beyond our echo chambers. When legislation goes through the preparation process, the drafters look at the impact on any specific and identifiable group. Then, there is the consideration of what will happen with the population as a whole. When you are a part of this process, you get to see what others think about these specific subjects.
  • Balancing the impact of governance-
By coming together to speak with a collective voice, you get the chance to hold the powerful few in the positions of authority to be accountable for their actions. The interest groups serve a system of checks and balances. You get the chance to limit their governance by speaking to them about issues and even vote them out of office if they aren’t satisfactory enough.
  • Usable platforms that facilitate change-
Joining a group can make you be the change that you want to see. You along with the like-minded people around you can create opportunities to put enough pressure in the decision-makers in society to do something in your interest. Policies, rules, regulations can be moulded if a group of voices speak about it because it is pretty challenging to ignore a group of voices with the same voice rather than a single person who is trying hard to be heard.
  • Emphasis on fairness at the local level-
Fairness can be seen as a difficult concept to balance an on-ground reality. There are chronic problems of poverty, illness, food scarcity, corruption and many more which affect people seriously. This deprives them of having a chance at all the opportunities fairly. By the time they can do something about it, their chances are long gone. Interest groups work toward equalizing income opportunities in society. They support each member to create a platform where everyone can start working towards a similar goal.
  • Creates opportunities for becoming community leaders-
Interest groups promote leadership in a community by influencing people to become part of an organized movement that can communicate the need for specific changes required. In modern times, you don’t have to get out of your home and contribute to it. Sharing information on social media and making a few phone calls can also do the work.
  • Access to more information-
When you join an interest group, then you have access to their resources which might lead you to get a chance to speak with your elected officials directly instead of sending them a letter. 
  • Lobbying for new legislation anytime
Interest groups play an important role in spreading information. With all the data, they make efforts to turn it into usable laws, rules, or regulations. Every interest group tries to influence elected officials to move toward desired legislative changes.  Disadvantages
  • Loudest voices usually win-
One thing about interest groups is that size doesn’t matter. The ones who are more active usually generate more attention and get to play a part in modern politics. One can say that money speaks loudly in this arena, so there may be advantages to those who are wealthy. Both sides in Indian politics tend to blame each other for the ills of society. Any group can assimilate a small number of people and sound like the majority which can come under the banner of disadvantage.
  • An easy way of stalking all legislative processes-
The reason why this disadvantage is such a problem is that each group tries to seek what is in their best interest without considering others. There is no desire to find a compromise.
  • Offensive views-
There is a democratic right to freedom of speech and expression. Some pressure groups still have unsecular and offensive views which stir up communal tensions. These groups whether small or large in number, tend to get a disproportionate amount of attention from the media. E.g. RSS, Bajrang Dal, etc.
  • Opposition-
There can be direct opposition between pressure groups which can probably lead to some serious civil disruptions. An example can be taken from the incident of clashes between ABVP and JNU Students Union.
  • Disobedience-
Pressure groups can sometimes become aggressive and get involved in militancy to get their demands heard. They can pull out publicity stunts and protests for attention which can disrupt public life and property. E.g. JKLF and ULFA 
  • Governing systems can change-
When an interest group grows large enough, then their activities can alter the way a nation governs itself. This disadvantage is problematic because it forces everyone outside that core group to either conform to the “new normal” or risk the consequences of being on the outside. The BJP party backed by the RSS in India has got the chance to run the government. Their islamophobic and radical sentiments which are found in the parent wing RSS is hurting the secularism and integrity of this nation. This is an indication as to how quickly they can become adverse.
  • Unstable-
Pressure groups lack stability and commitment. This might result in their loyalties changing according to changing political situations.
  • Non-legitimate power-
Leaders of pressure-groups are not elected like conventional politicians, therefore they can’t be held publicly accountable. The influence they exert is not democratically legitimate. Very few pressure groups work on the basis of internal democracy. There has been a trend for pressure groups to be dominated by a small number of senior professionals. Famous Pressure Groups in India There are pressure groups in every country with India being no exception. They influence decision making in the order of their interest. India has a number of pressure groups who carry different aims and objectives. Professional Pressure Groups This category includes pressure groups which are formed by the employees of a particular occupation for the protection of their interests. Big business houses always have the most organized and powerful pressure groups at their command. This has to do with their vast outlay of resources, personnel, close links with elite groups in government, media, administration and opposition parties. FICCI is the largest and the most influential organization of private capital in India by representing more than 40,000 firms. It has such a large business corporate world with it that political parties are dependent on it for funds. The government keeps seeking advice from this group on major policy issues of commercial and economical nature. Business groups like ASSOCHAM, Confederation of Indian Industries, the Tatas, Birlas, DCM and Hindustan Unilever, etc. are professional pressure groups which try to influence the industrial policies of the government. This type of pressure group includes Trade Unions, Peasant Organizations, Teacher and Students Organizations, etc. The history of Trade unions and Peasant groups date back to colonial times. All India Trade Union Congress was formed in 1920.  Farmer’s organizations like Bhartiya Kisan Union in Haryana, U.P. and Punjab, Karnataka, etc., influence the policies of the government in the agricultural sector. In the educational field, the teachers, the students, and non-vocational staff have their own unions to protect their interests and influence the government. E.g. National Students Union of India, All India Teachers Association, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, Delhi University Students Union etc. Socio-Cultural Pressure Groups These pressure groups are concerned with community service and the promotion of interests of the community including language and religion. Examples of this type of community are Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Marathi Sangh, Ramakrishna Mission, etc. Institutional Pressure Groups These types of pressure groups influence the government without directly getting involved in the political system, yet they remain active. E.g. Civil Services Association, Police Welfare Association, Army Officers Association, Red Cross Society, Gazetted Officers Association, Defence Personnel Association, etc. These groups mainly influence matters such as transfer-leave rules, allocation of duties, etc. Ad hoc pressure groups Some pressure groups are short-termed which come into existence only for the fulfilment of some particular demand. Their objective is to pressurize the government for specific demand. E.g. Orissa Relief Organisation, Kaveri Water Distribution Association, Gujrat Relief Association, etc. Shortcomings of Pressure Groups:
  • Some pressure groups have unsecular and offensive views which stir up communal tensions, and they work for narrow selfish interests.
  • Some pressure groups misuse their power and become the tool to subserve political interests.
  • Pressure groups can sometimes become aggressive and get involved in militancy to get their demands heard.
  • Pressure groups lack stability and commitment. This might result in their loyalties changing according to changing political situations.
In a pluralistic society like India, pressure groups provide a means by which ordinary citizens can participate in the decision-making process, as well as maintaining a check on government activity. Similarly, governments can be better informed of the electorate’s sensitivities to policies, because of the pressures articulated by these groups.

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