Aug 14, 2020 - Daily Quiz

1. Which one of the following alternatives correctly gives the features(s) normally noticed in Asokan pillars?
(a) Lustrous polish
(b) Lustrous polish and monolith
(c) Square base and octagonal shape
(d) Lustrous polish and square base
2. Which of the following aspects has not been dealt with in the Arthasastra ? (a) Eradication of famine
(b) Method of cultivation
(c) Qualities of the ministers
(d) Spy system | -
3. The brick temple of Bhitargaon is a famous Gupta monument. It contains which one of the following archtectural features ?
(a) Use of lime - mortar as cementing material
(b) Use of true arch
(c) Use of marble for decoration
(d) Use of red sandstone in the plinth
4. Tobacco cultivation was introduced in the Deccan by the Portuguese during the 16th century. Tabacco smoking reached the Mughal Court because of which one of the following?
(a) The Portuguese missionaries introduced it into the Mughal Court
(b) The Mughal ambassador to Bijapur, Mirza Asad Beg introduced it to Akbar
(c) The soldiers of the Deccan spread this among the Mughal nobility
(d) The farmers who took to tobacco cultivation introduced this to the Mughal Court
5. In the Belgrade Summit of the non - aligned nations which India took a prominent part, some or all of the following resolutions were passed: 1. Confidence in the doctrine of peaceful co - existence Was affirmed. 2. All the nations should have complete independence in deciding about its form of government. 3. The policy of racial distinction followed by the Government of South Africa was, condemned. 4. Integrity and sovereignty of all the nations should be respected. ‘ Which one of the following alternatives is correct ? - (a) 1, 2 and 3 were passed (b) 3 and 4 were passed
(c) 1, 2 and 4 were passed
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 were passed
  1. b
  2. b
  3. b
  4. b
  5. d

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