December 11, 2020 - Daily Quiz

1. Which of the following forms ‘The Evil Quartet’ for biodiversity losses:
  1. Habitat loss and fragmentation
  2. Co-extinctions
  3. Over-exploitation
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) All of the above 2. Match the following famous places with type of volcanism:  List A                                List B Cinder cone                       1. Mt.Fiji Composite cone                 2. Mt. Paricutin Hot spot volcanism             3. Mt. Etna Mediterranean volcanism   4. Reunion island Choose the correct answer:       A  B   C   D (a) 1   2   3   4 (b) 2  1   4   3 (c) 3  4   2  1 (d) 2  4  1   3
3. If A’s income is 33 1/3 % more than that of B, then how much percent is B’s income less than that of A? (a) 25% (b) 33 1/3 % (c) 40% (d) None 4. Vernacular Press Act was passed in which of the following years? (a) 1878 (b) 1888 (c) 1899 (d) 1900 5. A train 300 m long, overtook a man, walking along the line (in the same direction of the train) at the speed of 5 km per hour and passed him in 30 sec. The train reached the train the station in 15 minutes after it has passed the man. In what time did the man reach the station? (a) 2 hrs. 4 min (b) 2 hrs. 5 min (c) 2 hrs. 3 min (d) 2 hrs. 6 min ANSWERS 1. (d) The accelerated rates of species extinctions that the world is facing now are largely due to human activities. There are four major causes:
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation
  • Over-exploitation
  • Alien species invasions
  •  Co-extinctions
2. (b) The oceanic and continental plate collision results violent andesitic volcanic mountains containing cinder cone where viscous lava solidifies at vicinity for example Mt. Paricutin, Mexico.Volcanic Mountains in which each new eruption bring in new layers of ash or lava results in composite cones like Mt. Stromboli, Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. Fuji. The basaltic highly mobile magma from deep interior is erupted on a fixed hot spot as plate move forming the Island arc in the direction of plate movement. Examples of these island arcs are Hawaii, Reunion, Kurile, Aleutian etc The Breaking up of Mediterranean plates into multiple blocks causes frequent interactions and andesitic eruption for examples Mt. Etna and Mt. Vesuvius. 3. (a)  4. (a) The Indian press was freed from restrictions by Charles Metcalfe in 1835. This step had been welcomed enthusiastically by the educated Indians. It was one of the reasons why they had for some time supported British rule in India. But the nationalists gradually began to use the press to arouse national consciousness among the people and to sharply criticise the reactionary policies of the Government. This turned the officials against the Indian press and they decided to curb its freedom. This was attempted by passing the Vernacular Press Act in 1878. This Act put serious restrictions on the freedom of the Indian language newspapers. Indian public opinion was now fully aroused and it protested loudly against the passage of this Act. This protest had immediate effect and the Act was repealed in 1882. For nearly 25 years thereafter the Indian press enjoyed considerable freedom. But the rise of the militant Swadeshi and Boycott movement after 1905 once again led to the enactment of repressive press laws in 1908 and 1910. The Act was created by Lytton and repealed by the Lord Ripon. 5. (c)   

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