How did naval mutiny prove to be the last nail in the coffin of British Colonial aspirations in India?.

The Royal Indian Navy (RIN) mutiny took place in the aftermath of the Indian National Army (INA) Trials and the revolt of the Royal Air Force. The Indian masses were already in a frenzy over these recent events. The immediate cause of the RIN mutiny was dissatisfaction over the general conditions in the Navy. The Navy (as also the Air Force and the military forces) had been a part of World War-II, and they were greatly dissatisfied over the treatment meted out to them on their return. The RIN Mutiny began in Bombay, and spread throughout British India, covering 78 ships, 20 shore establishments and 20,000 sailors.

Role of Naval mutiny in ending British colonial aspirations

  • Communal unity
    The Naval mutiny showed that communal divide that British had planted in Indians was not enough to promote their consolidation of power. There was evident proof of national unity when it came to fighting British armed forces. Even the Muslim league supported the revolt.
  • End of dedication by armed forces
    The greatest strength of British government in India was dedicated support of army and police towards the government. This changed after the Naval mutiny. British could no longer rely on Indian soldiers to protect British interests. This was a great blow to future aspirations of British.
  • Sympathy towards mutiny
    The act of defiance expressed by the ratings was appreciated across the country, even from the some members of British political class. This created a sense of insecurity in British administration regarding their ability to hold power in India.
  • Growing militant nature
    The rise of INA was an indication of growing militant nationalism in Indian independence movement. The defeat of Axial forces could not stop the militant trend and instead it spread across British forces in form of Naval Ratings. This was an indication of military skirmish that could take place between British forces and Indian soldiers.

Thus, Naval mutiny in sense was an indication of what is going to follow in the future if independence was not obtained. The loss of British power after World War II further eroded their belief of retaining one of the prized possessions of the crown: India.

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