July 15, 2024 Current Affairs

1. Asphyxiation

Three die of asphyxiation at illegal coal mine in Gujarat.

  • Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of deficient supply of oxygen to the body which arises from abnormal breathingAsphyxia causes generalized hypoxia, which affects all the tissues and organs, some more rapidly than others. There are many circumstances that can induce asphyxia, all of which are characterized by the inability of a person to acquire sufficient oxygen through breathing for an extended period of time. Asphyxia can cause coma or death.

Asphyxia Symptoms

  • Some symptoms of asphyxiation happen right away, and some develop when you don''''t get enough oxygen over time. They include:
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Inability to speak
  • A red, purple, blue, or gray tint to your faceor lips
  • Peeing or pooping without meaning to
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Quick or deep breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Coughing
  • Raspy or hoarse voice
  • Memory loss

Asphyxia Treatment

  • Asphyxia is an emergency, and you need immediate treatment for it. The type of treatment you need will depend on what’s causing your asphyxia and how serious it is. You may need:
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It''''s done to get blood flowing to your vital organs until your heart starts beating again. CPR requires hard chest compressions on your sternum, also called breastbone.
  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.After drowning or a drug overdose, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation can help get someone breathing. Often, it''''s done together with CPR. 
  • Heimlich maneuver. It helps dislodge an object stuck in your airway. To do it, someone stands behind you, wraps their arms around your torso, and thrusts upward with their clasped fists. For infants, you lay them chest-down on your outstretched forearm and use the heel of your hand to strike several blows against their back.


2. CBI

  • Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the premier investigating police agency in India. It provides assistance to the Central Vigilance Commission and Lokpal. It functions under the superintendence of the Deptt. of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel, Pension & Public Grievances, Government of India - which falls under the prime minister’s office. It is also the nodal police agency in India which coordinates investigation on behalf of Interpol Member countries.

Functions of CBI

  • Its important role is to prevent corruption and maintain integrity in administration.
  • Investigate cases connected to infringement of economic and fiscal laws, i.e., breach of laws concerning customs and central excise, export and import control, income tax, foreign exchange regulations, etc. But cases of this nature are taken up by the CBI either at the request of the department concerned or in consultation with the concerned department.
  • Investigate crimes of a serious nature, that have national and international ramifications, and committed by professional criminals or organised gangs.
  • To coordinate the activities of the various state police forces and anti-corruption agencies.
  • At the behest of a state govt., the CBI can also take up any case of public importance and investigate it.
  • Maintaining crime statistics and disseminating criminal information.

Challenges faced by Central Bureau of Investigation

  • Political Interference– Time and again, the CBI has been accused of being influenced by the political establishment and lacking true independence in its investigations.
  • Excessive political interference in its functioning has made the Supreme Courtcall the CBI a “caged parrot speaking in its master’s voice”.
  • Allegations of Bias– There have been allegations of the CBI being biased in its investigations, favouring certain political parties or individuals.
  • There have been concerns about the selective nature of some of the CBI’s prosecutions.
  • Misuse by the Central Government –Critics argue that successive Central Governments have used the CBI to haunt political opponents and coerce state governments to fall in line.
  • Accountability Issues– Questions have been raised about the CBI’s accountability mechanisms, with concerns about the lack of proper oversight and transparency in its functioning.
  • Shortage of Manpower and Resources– The agency has been plagued by a shortage of personnel, infrastructure, and financial resources, hampering its investigative capabilities.


3. Jagannath temple

Treasury of Jagannath temple in Puri opened after 46 years.

  • It is located in Puri, Odisha.
  • It is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, a form of the Hindu deity Vishnu
  • It is believed to have been built during the reign of King Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva, of the Eastern Ganga dynasty, in the 12th century
  • This temple is called ‘Yamanika Tirtha’ where, according to the Hindu beliefs, the power of ‘Yama’, the god of death, has been nullified in Puri due to the presence of Lord Jagannath.
  • Architecture: The Jagannath Temple is a striking example of Kalinga architecture, a distinct style prevalent in the Odisha region.
  • The temple’s main structure, the sanctum sanctorum, or the garbhagriha, houses the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra
  • Ratha Yatra is a Hindu festival associated with Lord Jagannath held at Puri in Odisha.
  • The festival commemorates Jagannath''''s annual visit to Gundicha Temple via Mausi Maa Temple (aunt''''s home) near Balagandi Chaka, Puri.
  • The most famous Rath Yatra festival begins on the second day of the bright half of the lunar month of Ashadha (June–July) and lasts for nine days.
  • During this time, the deities are taken out of the Jagannath Puri Temple and placed on three massive chariots.

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