May 26, 2024 Current Affairs

A portion of the Virupaksha temple in Karnataka collapsed due to torrential rains recently.

  • The temple’s pavilion or the saalu mantap was damaged as a section of pillars holding it collapsed.
  • Three metres of the 19-metre-long pavilion, consisting of four pillars, are damaged due to heavy rain.
  • Reason: The pavilion was constructed using stone pillars and were subject to very heavy rains in the past, due to which foundation of the pavilion lost its strength gradually, leading to the collapse.

Virupaksha Temple:

  • Origin and Evolution:  The Virupaksha Temple originated in the 7th century AD, making it the oldest and principal temple in Hampi.
  • It gained prominence and underwent extensive expansion in the form of the present temple complex during 14th century under the patronage of  Vijayanagara Empire (1336 to 1646).
  • Presiding Deity: Lord Shiva.
  • Built by: This temple complex was constructed by Lakkan Dandesha, a nayaka (chieftain) of the ruler, Paruda Deva Raya II during the Vijayanagara rule.
  • Location: The temple is located located on the south bank of the river Tungabhadra, in Hampi, Vijaynagara district, Karnataka.
  • UNESCO Recognition: It belongs to the Group of Monuments at Hampi, declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Virupaksha Temple Features:

  • It is also known as the Pampapathi temple and is the oldest temple in Hampi. The main temple is east facing and has two large courtyards, one leading to the other.
  • Mathematical Construction: The Temple’s construction and decoration shows repeated patterns which depict the concept of fractals. The temple is triangular in shape.
  • Ranga Mandapa: Krishnadevaraya was instrumental in building the central pillared hall (Ranga Mandapa) in 1510 AD and the gateway tower, which provides access to the inner courtyard of the temple.
  • Annual Chariot Festival: The month of December witness the betrothal and marriage ceremonies of Lord Virupaksha and Goddess Pampa with the annual Chariot festival held.

Architecture Style: Dravidian temple architecture,

  • It is characterised by grand gopurams (towering gateways) depicting  various deities, mythological scenes and animals,  the shikhara towering over the sanctum sanctorum, and the intricate carvings and pillared halls, an enclosed wall compound and water reservoir.


Recently, between January and March 2024, about 32,000 cases of Whooping Cough were reported across Europe.

Whooping Cough:

  • Whooping cough, caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria, affects the respiratory system. It’s recognized by severe coughing fits, sometimes with a distinctive “whooping” sound. It is particularly dangerous for infants and can lead to complications such as pneumonia and, in some cases, death.
  • Transmission: The bacteria is transmitted through respiratory droplets when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes. It sticks to the throat lining and releases toxins that damage tiny hair-like structures that clear debris and mucus.
  • This causes inflammation in the airways, resulting in severe coughing fits and breathing problems.
  • Symptoms: Whooping cough begins with cold-like symptoms,   with a slight fever, then leads to intense coughing with a unique “whoop” sound.
  • Coughing fits may cause vomiting, and infants and young children may have trouble breathing during sleep.
  • Diagnosis: Identifying whooping cough relies on clinical symptoms, medical background, and specific tests:
  • Nasopharyngeal swab: This gathers respiratory secretions for PCR testing.
  • Blood tests: These detect antibodies against Bordetella pertussis.
  • Treatment: Prompt treatment is vital to prevent complications and alleviate symptoms.
  • Doctors often prescribe antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin, or clarithromycin to infected individuals. This helps shorten the illness duration and decreases transmission.
  • Supportive care may involve staying hydrated, resting, and keeping an eye out for complications like pneumonia or dehydration.
  • Prevention Measures: Vaccination stands as the most effective safeguard against whooping cough. Vaccines like DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) and Tdap are advised for children.


The WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Traditional Knowledge was adopted at a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Diplomatic Conference at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Background of the WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources:

  • History: The diplomatic conference marked the final stage of the negotiations that began in 2021. The treaty is borne of a proposal by Colombia in 1999.
  • This is the 27th treaty under WIPO and the first in the last 10 years.
  • First WIPO Treaty: It is the first WIPO treaty to include provisions specifically for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
  • This is important because under current laws, while genetic resources themselves cannot be patented, inventions developed using them can be protected.
  • Role of India in Treaty Negotiations: India played a critical role during these negotiations. India was the only country which prepared a detailed paper on the base text for treaty negotiations.

Significance of the WIPO TIP & Genetic Resources for India:

  • Rich Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: The new WIPO treaty is important to India as the country holds 7-8 per cent of global biodiversity and a rich repertoire of knowledge based on these genetic resources
  • Enhancing Protection: Strengthens Legal Safeguards for India’s Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge against Global Misuse.
  • For example, the patent rights for turmeric, a tropical herb native to East India and widely used as a medicine and food ingredient, were awarded to the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
  • Additionally, India has raised concerns over patents being awarded for Neem and Indian Basmati rice in the past.
  • Global  Acknowledgment: The treaty will  incorporate India’s Traditional Knowledge into the International Intellectual Property Framework.

Key Provisions regarding this WIPO Treaty and Associated Traditional Knowledge:

  • Disclosure Requirement: It requires patent applicants to disclose the country of origin or source when their application involves genetic resources.
  • Disclosure of Traditional Knowledge Providers: If traditional knowledge linked to genetic resources is involved, the applicant must identify the Indigenous Peoples or local community that provided it.
  • Genetic Resources in Patents: Genetic resources, present in entities like medicinal plants and agricultural crops, are frequently used in patented inventions, even though the resources themselves cannot be patented.
  • Establishment of Legal Framework: Once 15 contracting parties have ratified it, the Treaty will establish an international legal framework.
  • This framework will require patent applicants to disclose the origin of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge used in their inventions.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a United Nations specialized agency located in Geneva, Switzerland, set up by the WIPO Convention in 1967.
  • Aim: Its goal is to guide the creation of an international intellectual property (IP) system that promotes innovation and creativity for everyone’s benefit.
  • WIPO Membership and Observers: WIPO has 193 member states
  • Palestine has permanent observer status.
  • WIPO meetings also include 281 NGOs, 47 IGOs, 17 UN system organizations, and 10 IP organizations as official observers.
  • India joined WIPO in 1975.
  • Functions: It serves as a worldwide policy platform where governments, intergovernmental organizations, industry groups, and civil society convene to tackle emerging IP issues.
  • Organizational Structure: Member states and observers convene regularly in various standing committees and working groups.
  • Within these forums, they negotiate adjustments and new regulations essential for keeping the international IP system aligned with a changing world.
  • This ensures that the system remains dedicated to fostering innovation and creativity.
  • Publications: The Global Innovation Index, compiled by INSEAD, Cornell University, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in addition to other institutions, evaluates countries’ innovation capacity and success.

WIPO-Administered Treaties:

1.Budapest Treaty  

  • All states party to the Treaty are obliged to recognize microorganisms deposited as a part of the patent procedure, irrespective of where the depository authority is located.
  • India has ratified the treaty.

2.WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty        

  • The WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) addresses the rights of two main groups in the digital realm:
  • Performers (such as actors, singers, musicians, etc.) and
  • Producers of phonograms (individuals or entities responsible for recording sounds).
  • India has become a party to this agreement.

3.Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks    

  • It Allows for the global registration of trademarks through a single application that can encompass multiple countries.
  • India has become a party to the protocol.

4.WIPO Copyright Treaty  

  • It is a special agreement under the Berne Convention which deals with the protection of works and the rights of their authors in the digital environment.
  • India has ratified the treaty.


Severe Cyclone Remal.

  • Cycone remal is a tropical cyclone  in the Northern Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal).
  • The name ''Remal'' in the list of tropical cyclones is given by Oman. It will be the first cyclone to hit the region this 2024 pre-monsoon season. Remal means “sand” in Arabic.
  • This naming follows a standard protocol for cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

Reason behind arrival and formation of Remal Cyclone:

  • Sea Surface Warming: One of the main reasons for Remal’s formation and strengthening is the warming of sea water.
  • As the sea surface temperature rises, it provides energy for cyclones to develop and intensify.
  • Low Wind Shear: Strong winds at different altitudes can interfere with cyclone development.
  • Areas with low wind shear create a more favorable environment for a storm to organize and strengthen.
  • Moist Atmosphere: Tropical cyclones thrive on moisture in the atmosphere.
  • Abundant moisture allows for condensation, which releases energy further fueling the storm.
  • Atmospheric Instability: Certain atmospheric conditions create instability, allowing warm, moist air to rise rapidly.
  • This rising air cools and condenses that forms  clouds and releases  energy that powers the cyclone.

About Cyclone:

  • Cyclone is a large air mass. It rotates around a central point of low atmospheric pressure.
  • When viewed from above.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, it rotates Counterclockwise.
  • In the Southern Hemisphere, it rotates clockwise.

Required condition for a Cyclone:

  1. Sea surface with high temperature (above 27^0).
  2. Presence of coriolis effect for the creation of a cyclonic vortex.
  3. Small variations in the vertical wind speed.
  4. Latent heat for driving storm’s energy
  5. Upper level divergence above the Sea Level System.

Naming Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean:

  • Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC): The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) formed the Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC) in 1972.
  • Originally comprised eight member countries: Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sultanate of Oman, and Thailand.
  • Naming Cyclones:At the twenty-seventh session in 2000 in Muscat, Oman, the PTC decided to assign names to tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
  • Cyclone naming started in 2004 after finalizing a list based on recommendations from panel countries.
  • Expansion of the PTC:In 2018, the PTC expanded to include Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
  • Current Cyclone Naming List:In April 2020, a list of 169 cyclone names was released, with 13 suggestions from each of the 13 countries. This list is currently in use.

Guiding Principles for Cyclone:

  • Neutrality: Proposed names should be neutral and not favour any particular political party, religion, culture, or gender.
  • Sensitivity: Name should not hurt the sentiments of the people around the world.
  • Respectful Tone: Name should be short, easy to pronounce and not offensive, cruel, and rude.
  • Length Limit: Cyclones name can go to maximum eight letters long.

Impact of Cyclone Remal:

  • Cyclone Remal’s landfall brought widespread destruction and disruption to coastal India and Bangladesh.


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