Of late India and the United Kingdom joined hands to evaluate the efficacy of Ashwagandha (Indian winter berry) for dealing with COVID-19.  Evaluate the need for Indian traditional medicine systems amidst the prevailing pandemic situation.  Highlight the steps taken by the Indian government to promote the Indian traditional medicine systems.

Of late India and the United Kingdom joined hands to evaluate the efficacy of Ashwagandha (Indian winter berry) for dealing with COVID-19.  Evaluate the need for Indian traditional medicine systems amidst the prevailing pandemic situation.  Highlight the steps taken by the Indian government to promote the Indian traditional medicine systems.
  1. Ashwagandha is a traditional Indian herb that boosts energy, reduces stress, and makes the immune system stronger.
  2. However, in order to ensure its effectiveness, India and the UK recently signed a MoU to conduct the clinical trials of Ashwagandha.
Need for Indian traditional medicine systems:
  1. They fill the gap left by the modern medicinal systems and at many times it could even replace them.
  2. They are quite effective in treating both chronic diseases and psychological problems especially associated with stress.
  3. They give more emphasis to prevention aspects of any diseases.
  4. They are natural as well as cost-effective.
  5. Very importantly, the Indian medicine systems like ayurveda, siddha and the like are gaining global attention. (amidst the lack of medicines for dreadful COVID-19 pandemic)
Government steps
  1. National AYUSH Mission (NAM) to promote AYUSH systems in a multi-dimensional way.
  2. Financial assistance, institutional support, technical support and the like has been provided by the AYUSH ministry to promote the research and development ecosystem in the country.
  3. Under the Fellowship Scheme, the Ministry supports many scholars who pursue various courses in AYUSH systems.
  4. The AYUSH ministry has signed more than 10 MoUs for setting up AYUSH Academic Chairs with foreign universities.
  5. 33 AYUSH Information Cells have been set up in more than 30 countries to disseminate authentic information about AYUSH systems.
  6. Under the International Cooperation (IC) scheme, our government publicizes AYUSH systems of medicine including Ayurveda across the globe.
  7. Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals to certifying the competence level of Yoga professionals
  8. Yoga Certification Board has been established to upgrade the knowledge and skills of Yoga professionals.
  9. Ayurveda Day, Unani Day, Siddha Day and International Day of Yoga celebrations are sponsored by the government to generate awareness on AYUSH systems
  10. The National Health Policy, 2017 gives special emphasis for the promotion of AYUSH systems.
  11. NITI Aayog is currently working on formulating an Integrative Health Policy combining AYUSH and modern health systems.
Road Ahead:
  • We can't be complacent with modern medicine that too in the middle of the uncontrollable COVID-19 pandemic. It is high time for the world to embrace the best which is available in our AYUSH systems.  Let us hope for the same for the benefit of New Healthy India and the World.

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