Post-modernism. (UPSC CSE Mains 2017 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)

Modernism was related to the industrial growth and decline in the beliefs regarding religion, superstitions, backwardness of all kinds that made the society ‘less modern’ or traditional in approach .

  • One of the very important features of Postmodernism is its disenchantment with Modernism. It developed in reaction to the Modernist perspective on social life.
  • The philosophy of post modernism supports globalization. Like globalization , post modernism feels that any form of borders be it social , political , economic are hindrance in development of human society and its communication within it. Post Modernists believe in breaking down all sorts of walls that restrict humans in any way . They promote a free world.
  • Post-Modernist feel that ethics is a subject matter of the individual and it is not something that is collective. Every individual has his or her set of moral rules which can be different from one another. Therefore morality is a private affair.
  • Post modernism is considered a very liberal philosophical movement, where all religions are considered effective and important. It does not lays stress importance on any one religion and is quite liberal and secular in approach. No one religion is important. It believes in plurality of religions.
  • Postmodernism says No one way of life is correct. Everyone has equal rights to live the way one wants to, without any restriction This movement also supports the cause of homosexuals and the feminists. For them, every person has different social, intellectual and biological preferences.
  • Post modernists believe that there is no absolute truth , everything is relative and in accordance to how one wants to interpret the reality . For instance , there can be hundred interpretations of a single painting and still all hundred interpretations would be right and valid. It values human subjectivity and thus for in Post Modernism everything relative and nothing is absolute. Truth is ever changing and has no one explanation. There are multiple truths and not one ultimate truth.
  • Post modernism supports rationality and self-subjectivity. It considers individual’s opinion supreme and believes that everything is ever changing. For Post Modernists traditional knowledge is of no use in a postmodern world. It should be completely discarded. for them age old traditions bounds , imposes constraints on humans decelerating their development.
  • Political values in post modernism comes from the Marxist ideology. For instance. Foucault was under the influence of Marxist understanding relations based on economic inequality. Foucault along with Porty used the leftist thought in their works.
  • Foucault talks about the emergence of disciplinary and regulatory bio powers. Societies have devised newer ways of excluding some who do not fit their purpose like the poor, sick  and insane  on  the name  of  Modern day institutions like  the  schools,  hospitals,  sanatoriums,  mental  asylum,  prisons  all  deploy disciplinary modes  of power to make people fall in line.


Critics have pointed out that postmodernism has become a grand-narrative in itself and it intensifies problems of personal and social disintegration and despair. Naom Chomsky has even argued that postmodernism is meaningless as it has nothing to add to empirical and analytical knowledge. Pauline Rosenau has highlighted the fact that while postmodernism stresses the irrational, instruments of reason are freely employed to advance its perspective. He further argues that postmodernism criticizes the inconsistency of modernism, but refuses to be held to norms of consistency itself. Some other critiques have pointed out that postmodernism still leaves deeper questions about the roots of oppression and marginalization unanswered.

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