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Significance of Village Studies in Indian Sociology. (UPSC CSE Mains 2016 - Sociology, Paper 1).
Village studies have its own importance. These have enriched the knowledge of the Indian Society in general and rural India in particular. These have given great encouragement to the growth of rural society. After independence, planners in India realised that unless Indian villages were properly studied, no real progress could be made. Village studies has following use-
Village studies help in planning rural reconstruction
- According to M.N. Srinivas, village studies provide detailed information regarding various aspects of rural life. In these studies, either the holistic nature of the village communities is discussed or certain specific aspects of rural life are focused.
- The planning commission gave maximum attention to solve the social problems of rural India by the help of village studies also. From village studies, various aspects of rural life, for example, the extent of sub-division and fragmentation of holdings, the nature of rural credit, the conditions of landless labourers etc. are derived. It helps in planning rural reconstruction.
Village studies provide useful information to other disciplines
- The sociologists and social anthropologists collect data Lo study different villages – its several aspects, its problems etc. The collected data are more accurate, reliable and unbiased. Hence these are highly useful for other social scientists. These are raised by economists, political scientists and others. Village studies also provide the historians with lot of information about rural social life.
Village studies provide useful knowledge about Indian social reality
- The significance of the village studies is such that sometimes their value may extend beyond national boundaries. But it is true that an understanding about different aspects of social reality is highly influenced by the indo-logical literature. Village studies have assumed sociological and socio-anthropological Importance.
Srinivas made the following observations through his field experiences:
- Sociologists and anthropologists basically depend on other social scientists because they rely on first hand Information with emphasis on micro detailed in depth studies.
- He distinguished between anthropologists as a field and social worker and the government officials. Government officials are biased, not very minute in their observation. They go by erroneous superficial Government Records.
M.N. Srinivas (1955) edited work “India’s villages” contains 17 village studies conducted by Indian, British and US anthropologists. Among the Contributors are included M.N. Srinivas, David Mandelbaum, Eric J. Miller, Kathleen Gough, Mackim Marriott, S.C. Dube and others. These studies have taken into consideration the totality of the village life. However, same issues are raised in some of the studies. Some of the contributors have come out with certain conceptual constructs. The concept of “Dominant caste” has for the first time appeared in this edited book.
Village studies in India have played a significant role in understanding the social, economic, and cultural aspects of rural life. They have contributed to rural reconstruction planning, provided valuable information to other disciplines, and offered insights into the social reality of Indian villages. Despite their limitations and drawbacks, such as lack of representativeness, overemphasis on unity and self-sufficiency, and influence of alien concepts, village studies remain an essential aspect of comprehending the complexities of Indian rural society. Efforts should be made to improve the methodology and coordination of these studies to enhance their accuracy, relevance, and impact on policymaking and social understanding.