The illogical rejection of the idea of South Asia

  • Growth in South Asia is uneven and fragile and will be slower than previously projected, due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine and persistent economic challenges.
  • The region is projected to grow by 6.3 percent in 2023.

South Asia

  • South Asia, a subregion of Asia, consisting of the Indo-Gangetic Plain and peninsular India.
  • It includes the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri LankaAfghanistan and the Maldives are often considered part of South Asia as well.
  • The population of South Asia is about 1.9 billion or about one-fourth of the world''s population, making it both the most populous and the most densely populated geographical region in the world.
  • In South Asia, education levels are on the rise with more than one million young workers enter the labour market each month.
  • By 2030, more than a quarter of the world’s working adults will live in South Asia.

Issues in South Asia

  • Lack of economic opportunities
  • It has 40% of the world’s poor.
    • According to the World Bank, 399 million people in the region live under $1.25/day, living in extreme poverty.
  • Lack of good infrastructure
  • South Asia is the least economically integrated region in the world, with regional trade accounting for only 5% of the overall trade.
  • Lack of liveable and sustainable cities
  • Inter-state disputes are resistant in growth
    • Pakistan has refused talks with India to its own detriment and now stands to miss out on being part of the South Asia energy grid that is already powering dreams of regional connectivity between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN grouping), and possibly Sri Lanka.
    • India and Pakistan continue to point to past disputes as the reason to hold up South Asian summits such as SAARC, block trade.
  • South Asia has failed to build a platform regarding the climate crisis.
  • The failure to build a regional defence to the issues arising from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and from North Atlantic Treaty Organization sanctions and trade.
  • Vulnerable towards global energy trends

Looking ahead

  • The regional issue should be discussed the issue bilaterally or within South Asia.
  • It is necessary for the future to delink South Asian cooperation from the Non-Aligned Meet summit itself, and allow other parts of the agenda (health, energy, women’s rights, security and terrorism) to be held.
  • South Asia countries should avoid conflict with each other and should focus on growth and development at the South Asia level.
  • Given the congestion in Most of the Famous south Asian cities, countries in the region should build well-planned urban centres and rethink the existing ones.

Summing up

  • South Asia will have to manage the challenges that internal security problems, the risk of inter-state war, and the effects of climate change and pollution pose to at least some countries’ longer-term democratic and economic development.
  • South Asia has tremendous potential to increase incomes and gain market share in exports through policies that enhance productivity and investment. If the region harnesses its productivity potential, it could be the fastest-growing region.

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