The modernization thesis asserts that affluence breeds stable democracy. How do you explain the success of India being the world's largest democracy as an exceptional case?. (UPSC CSE Mains 2021 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2)

Seymour Martin Lipset posits net three social prerequisites are essential For a successful and sustainable democracies. They are

  1.    Wealth
  2.    Education
  3.    Industrialization.

Wealth leads to other factors as evidenced by the data from affluence capitalist countries of Europe and North America. There is a functional inter dependence among these factors However, India Fail, into fit into Lipset''s model , due to the following reasons

  1. Post 200 Years of colonial suppression America emerged a liberal democratic regime of Lockean model. India too through its struggle for independence preferred a limited government with due Checks and balances, creating Value system For Rights, Freedoms and liberties [constitutional provision like FRs, DPSP etc]
  2. Democratic ideals are not new to India. Democracy is as old as India as we witness from Uthiramerur Inscriptions and various other sources of Indian History.
  3. Though it is to be admitted that Caste based prejudices, discriminations and inequalities exist in India, various constitutional safeguards like Art. 15, 16, 11 and 18 of  Indian constitution and legislations like Prevention of Sc | ST Act, 1989. Provide necessary procedural and institutional mechanisms to create a conducive democratic way of life. 
  4. Democratic Decentralization through  73rd and 74th  amendment acts, facilitated the active participation of grass roots in the political process.
  5. In order ensure fair and equitable representation in Parliament, state assemblies and Panchayat, reservations have been provided to the disadvantaged groups. Conduct of free and fair periodic elections through the principles of universal adult Franchise has further strengthened the democratic spirit. India''s Pluralistic democracy has created enough space and scope for participation of  pressure groups, interest groups and Civil society members.
  6. In the substantive dimensions, democracy is concerned with people standing up and asserting that they Count. The way the farm laws were repealed in recent years stand testimony to the fact that there is a scope for "Dissent" mechanism in Indian democracy.
  7. Despite being still economically developing, India shares the same playing field in education as other Capitalist giant democracies do. In fact, The oldest university in the world – Nalanda University existed in India in 5th – 6th  century B.C.

Hence India is an exceptional case to Lipset''s correlation between Modernisation and democracy. It is we the people who rule India and not any despotic ruler.

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