When does social media become anti-social?

Social media is an internet platform where individuals can interact with each other virtually, share their opinions and consume knowledge. These platforms have now been turned into hubs of anti-social activities, often creating law and order problems in the society.

Social media and antisocial elements

  • Communal clashes
    Comments made on religion and gods can crate hatred between two communities. This can transform into full blown communal riots if not prevented at the earliest.
  • Terrorism
    Social media is an attractive platform for spreading terrorist ideology and turn people into mass murderers. It has been used to recruit people for terrorism.
  • Child pornography
    Social media has become repository of illegal pornographic material especially of underage children. The nature of demand has forced young children into flesh trade.
  • Political propaganda
    Social media has become a platform for individuals to spread their political propaganda in the garb of knowledge. This has further polarized communities.

Prevention of spreading hate through social media

  • Stringent laws
    Stringent laws have to be formulated that can ensure that social media is used in a legal way, without becoming a pawn in the hands of anti-social elements.
  • Social media education
    Users have to be sensitized about social media ethics, especially children so that they prevent themselves from becoming victim to social media bullying.
  • Dedicated force
    A dedicated force needs to be constituted to monitor social media and take down information that can be detrimental to peace in the society.

Thus, social media is indeed a way for globalization but the threats posed are also humungous. It is necessary that government take interest in keeping social media safe.

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