Analyze the recent trends in India's role in the UN peacekeeping operations. (UPSC CSE Mains 2019 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2).

  • UN Peacekeeping is a vital tool employed by the United Nationsto help countries navigate the path from conflict to peace.
  • It involves thedeployment of military, police, and civilian personnel to regions affected by conflicts or political instability.
  • The primary objective of UN Peacekeeping is tofacilitate peace and security, protect civilians, and support the restoration of stable governance structures.
  • It brings together the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, the Secretariat, troop and police contributorsand the host governments in a combined effort to maintain international peace and security.

India''s Contributions in UN Peacekeeping

  • Troop Contribution:
    • India has a rich legacy of contributing to UN Peacekeeping operations. It is one of thelargest troop-contributing countries, with a history of deploying soldiers, medical personnel, and engineers to various peacekeeping missions worldwide.
      • India has contributed approximately 2,75,000 troops to peacekeeping missions so far.
    • Casualties:
      • Indian Army soldiers have made significant sacrifices while serving in UN Peacekeeping Missions, with 179 soldiers losing their lives in the line of duty.
    • Training and infrastructure:
      • The Indian Army has established theCentre for United Nations Peacekeeping (CUNPK) in New Delhi.
        • This center provides specialized training for more than 12,000 troops every year in peacekeeping operations, hosting national and international courses for potential peacekeepers and trainers.
        • CUNPK plays a crucial role in sharing best practices and enhancing the capacity of peacekeepers.
      • Women in Peacekeeping:
        • India has taken proactive measures to promote gender equality in peacekeeping operations.
          • India has deployed Female Engagement Teamsin United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, which is the second largest women contingent after Liberia.
          • India has also deployed Women Military Police in United Nations Disengagement Observer Forceand women staff officers and military observers in various missions.

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