Evaluate the nature of Bhakti Literature and its contribution to Indian culture. UPSC IAS Mains 2021 General Studies (Paper – 1)

Bhakti literature represents the legacy of a socio-religious reform movement that prevailed from 8thcentury to 17thcentury CE.  It was characterised by use of local languages and socially inclusive outlook.  

Nature of Bhakti literature

  1. Devotional:Kirtana Ghosha of Shankardeva (Vaishnava devotional songs); Thirumurais (Tamil songs in praise of Shiva) etc.  
  2. Non-sectarian: In Bhakti poems, Radha-Shyam is supposed to be the equivalent of Seeta-Ram.  
  3. Inter-regional appeal:Ramacharitsmanasand Hanuman Chalisawritten in Awadh gained popularity across the length and breadth of the country  
  4. Inter-Religious harmony: Sufi poetry of Baba Faridwas incorporated into Sikhs’ religious canons.  
  5. Unorthodox approach:Guru Nanak in his poems talked about futility ofunnecessary rituals and pilgrimages.    
  6. Against elitism: Bhakti literature is marked by use of non-elite elements like regional dialects, inclusion of castes and out-castes, anti-ritual,emphasis on love for God over respect for Him.  

Contribution to Indian culture

  1. Linguistic Development: Development of Marathi, Punjabi and its script Gurumukhi, Assameseetc. occurred due efforts of saints like Tukaram, Sikh Gurus,Shankaradevaetc.  
  2. Indianisation of Islam occurred due to the endeavours of the Sufi saints. For example, contributions of Nizamuddin Auliya, Rahim etc.  
  3. Musicand Dance: Use of Bhakti literature for devotional singing in kirtana,Qawwalli, devotional dance such as Sattariyaetc.  
  4. Philosophical Growth:Post-Vedanta ideas were explored by Madhvacharyathrough his Dvaitadvaita,Ramanujacharyain his Vishishta Advaita etc.  
  5. Assimilationof various saints, diverse religiousideas promoted growth in religion.  
  6. Emergence of Sects like Sikhism, Kabirpanth etc.  


  1. The religious and philosophical ideas did not represent a break from orthodoxy.  
  2. It failed to create any political awakeningin people.  
  3. It promoted servility through ideas of devotion, and sustained hegemony of hierarchical social structure. - 

Bhakti literature provided a breath of relief for masses under conditions of social and political repression. The cultural impact was diverse from music to philosophy and language.

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