Explain the growing salience of ethnicity in the contemporary world with illustrations. (UPSC CSE Mains 2021 - Sociology, Paper 1)

The growing salience of ethnicity in the contemporary world can be attributed to various factors such as globalization, migration, and the rise of identity politics. Ethnicity refers to the social classification of people based on shared cultural, linguistic, and historical experiences. In recent years, ethnicity has gained prominence as a significant social and political force, shaping the lives of individuals and communities across the globe. Sociological thinkers have provided valuable insights into the reasons behind the increasing importance of ethnicity in today’s world. This essay will discuss the theories of Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Pierre Bourdieu to explain the growing salience of ethnicity in contemporary society.

  • Emile Durkheim: Social Solidarity and Ethnicity - Emile Durkheim, a founding figure in sociology, emphasized the importance of social solidarity in maintaining social order and cohesion. According to Durkheim, societies are held together by shared values, beliefs, and practices that create a collective conscience. Ethnicity can be seen as a source of social solidarity, as it provides individuals with a sense of belonging and identity. In the contemporary world, the growing salience of ethnicity can be attributed to the need for social solidarity in the face of rapid social change, globalization, and increasing cultural diversity. Ethnic groups can provide individuals with a sense of stability and support, helping them navigate the complexities of modern life.
  • Max Weber: Ethnicity as a Basis for Social Stratification - Max Weber, another influential sociologist, argued that social stratification is based on three dimensions: class, status, and power. Ethnicity can be a significant factor in determining an individual’s position within this stratification system. In the contemporary world, ethnicity has become increasingly important as a basis for social stratification due to factors such as migration and the rise of identity politics. Ethnic minorities often experience social and economic disadvantages, leading to the formation of distinct social classes based on ethnicity. The growing salience of ethnicity can be seen as a response to these inequalities, as individuals and communities seek to assert their ethnic identity and challenge existing power structures.
  • Pierre Bourdieu: Ethnicity and Cultural Capital - Pierre Bourdieu, a prominent sociologist, introduced the concept of cultural capital to explain how individuals and groups use cultural resources to gain social advantages. Cultural capital refers to the knowledge, skills, and cultural competencies that individuals acquire through socialization and education. Ethnicity can be a significant source of cultural capital, as it provides individuals with access to unique cultural resources and networks. In the contemporary world, the growing salience of ethnicity can be attributed to the increasing importance of cultural capital in determining social and economic success. Ethnic groups can use their cultural capital to gain recognition, resources, and political power, contributing to the growing prominence of ethnicity in contemporary society.

The growing salience of ethnicity in the contemporary world can be explained through the theories of Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Pierre Bourdieu. Ethnicity serves as a source of social solidarity, a basis for social stratification, and a form of cultural capital, shaping the lives of individuals and communities across the globe. As the world continues to experience rapid social change, globalization, and increasing cultural diversity, the importance of ethnicity as a social and political force is likely to continue to grow.

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